Canary Homes recently sat down with Ian Crawt, Director of The New Homes Consultancy to find out what exactly a new homes consultant does and how they interact with a standard estate agency.
Here’s our conversation…
Ian, can you provide a brief overview of your professional background and experience in the real estate industry?
I have been working within the property industry for the last 25 years, the majority of this time was spent working within estate agency in London and predominantly within Land and New Homes sales. In 2016 I left agency and set up The New Homes Consultancy (NHC).
What inspired you to establish The New Homes Consultancy?
NHC was set up after my experiences of dealing with SME developers throughout my time in agency. It was very apparent whilst in agency that a lot of the SMEs were very good at creating projects with great design and ultimately more attention to detail. However, it was also very apparent that the majority of these companies were made up of 2-3 individuals and they would have very individual roles – acquisition, finance and then construction.
Many of the developers I dealt with were time-poor and didn’t have the time to concentrate on the sales and marketing side of the business, ultimately you might say the most important bit of the process.
I set up NHC to offer this sales and marketing role to small to medium sized developers but on a project-by-project basis and at a cost that didn’t impact their current business and cash flow.
At what point would a developer typically appoint NHC?
We generally start at the beginning of the project once the client has planning. At this point we then take over all aspects of sales and marketing. We will liaise with the agents before they are appointed, manage the appointed agents and bring all aspects of the sales and marketing process together and manage this. This then frees up time for the client to focus on acquiring more land and running the projects from a build perspective.

So NHC acts as a valuable link between the property developers and various third-party entities, such as estate agents, brand agencies and interior designers…
We front it for the developer and save them time. Dealing with agents, creative agencies and all the other companies needed for sales and marketing takes a lot of time. We take all this away from the client so they can focus on other aspects of their business. With our experience to date we know how the agents work and what they need, we also are fully aware of what’s needed to launch a development in terms of collateral.
I often used to get frustrated as an agent because we would continually chase a developer for the marketing elements we needed; they were too busy and often vital pieces needed for the sales fell to the wayside. We now deal with that. As a result, we often facilitate off plan sales via our appointed agents. Clearly that’s very beneficial to the developer’s cashflow.
Could you explain the specific role of a sales and marketing director provided by NHC in launching new homes developments? What services and expertise do you bring to the table?
Our services generally include the following but not limited to:-
- Ensure specification/design of the scheme is appropriate
- Liaise with agents
- Provide instruction to appointed agents on strategy and ensure it’s implemented
- Appoint and manage the creative, design and marketing agencies
- Oversee and manage the branding for the scheme, brochure, hoarding and associated marketing material
- Oversee and co-ordinate the production of CGIs and/or photography
- Source and appoint interior designer for dressing of show unit
- Provide appropriate processes and systems to assist the agents with selling, keeping you informed of progress and simplify the process for you
- Oversee and produce reservation paperwork for the agents including relevant checklists and verifying all offers
- Deal with all offers on your behalf and liaise with agents and relevant solicitors
- Monitor sales progression of each unit to work towards exchange
Do you ever get push-back from the actual estate agent on a project? Much of what you’re doing they probably consider to be their job.
We used to a lot at the beginning, however, we now know so many agents and they understand we act as the developer. Now they realise they can get work from us and it’s generally us they chase not the developer.
What factors should property developers consider when deciding between hiring an in-house sales and marketing director versus utilising the services of The New Homes Consultancy? Are there cost savings or other benefits associated with your approach?
Ultimately we will save them money and in the long run make them more money. The way our fees are structured we are a fraction of the cost of a full-time sales and marketing director.
Can you discuss any recent projects or success stories where The New Homes Consultancy played a pivotal role in achieving the sales and marketing objectives of a property developer?
We have had several projects recently whereby the end value achieved has been over and above what the agents were proposing. Not because the agents were wrong, but we know our markets, what the markets are doing and what’s needed. We have started securing more off plan sales for clients via the selling agents, something the investors like; everyone likes to de-risk early!
I won’t name specific examples as we are very discreet about what our clients are doing. Many of them know each other but they all know they are each treated with the utmost privacy. We are a trusted entity.

As the real estate market evolves, what trends do you foresee in terms of sales and marketing strategies for new homes developments? How is NHC adapting to these changes?
Many sales achieved now aren’t from the usual portal route made by an enquiry, if you look at sales and trace back where the buyer is from it’s now less common to be from the usual avenues. Much more is generated from social media and third party introducers via the agents are a big part of the process now. We have adapted by being open to suggestions and new ways of selling, we also have a big focus on overseas sales now.
Communication and collaboration with estate agents are essential for successful sales of new homes. How does NHC facilitate effective partnerships with estate agents and optimise their performance?
We have a huge contact base and we as a company and myself personally are well known in the industry. There aren’t many agents I won’t know or have not dealt with. We treat the agents with respect and they know there is plenty of stock to come from us. We are here to work with the agents not against them, something that was maybe not very clear when we first set up. We were seen as a threat by the agents, we are NOT an agency!
Do you only work in specific geographical areas?
We do a lot in West London and North West London but we aren’t restricted geographically. We have looked at things in Cornwall before.
Can you discuss any challenges or obstacles that you have encountered in your work with property developers and how The New Homes Consultancy has helped overcome them?
Different opinions from the clients, contractors, investors – we all think we know best. We have to be very vocal and are not afraid to say what we think. After all we are there to do a job and ensure everyone is happy at the end when we are all finished.

In the era of technological advancements, how do you see artificial intelligence (AI) playing a role in the future of sales and marketing strategies for new homes developments?
It will be advantageous to seek out who our buyers are for schemes and also people’s buying patterns.
As AI technologies continue to evolve, how can your business leverage these advancements to enhance the effectiveness of sales and marketing campaigns for property developers? Are there any AI-powered solutions or platforms that you currently utilise or plan to integrate?
Controversially I’m going to say you will still need people. People buy people ultimately. Whilst technology will play a part, you still need that human interface and communication.
Finally, what advice or key takeaway would you like the readers to have after learning about The New Homes Consultancy? Why should property developers consider utilising your services?
We do exactly what it says on the website, we “optimise value for developers”. Many developers are reluctant to use us as they know they can do what we do, and they can. However, once they start using us they see how it benefits their business and ultimately their bottom line.
Ian Crawt – Director
The New Homes Consultancy