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Recent Blog Posts


Canary Directory – what’s it all about?

Well, when I started to run property events back in September 2018 the idea was to fill a gap in the market which was to bring experienced property people together in an informal environment. This was the start of Canary Connections, property networking done differently. Selfishly, I wanted to meet more property developers with whom, […]

Bank of England
Tips & Tricks

Party Wall Works: How Security for Expenses Can Keep You Covered

Security for expenses ensures peace of mind for both parties during construction, by ring-fencing funds in case of damage or incomplete works. An Introduction to Security for ExpensesIn simple terms, security for expenses is a temporary cash reserve that is set aside while building work takes place on or around a shared boundary. It offers […]

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Tips & Tricks

Understanding Land Remediation Relief

A Powerful Tool for Property Developers! What is Land Remediation Relief? Land Remediation Relief (LRR) is a vital tax relief designed to encourage the redevelopment of contaminated land and buildings in the UK. This relief allows businesses to claim tax deductions or credits for the costs incurred in removing contaminants such as asbestos, hydrocarbons, or […]

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Tips & Tricks

Streamlining the Party Wall Process: Tips and Tricks

Starting a new construction project is exciting, but addressing the party wall process can sometimes feel like a waiting game. So, how long should it really take?  This largely depends on the size and complexity of the project but it will typically be anywhere from 2-12 months.   Let’s break down the timeline and factors […]


Mikala O'Connor

Canary Directory is a great way for me to connect with potential clients and work with a range of property experts on their websites and marketing.

Suzanne Tate

We have made some great connections and will be following up this week. Joseph and I had a lot of fun. We are really grateful to be a part of your community.

Claire McDonald

I think it’s a brilliant forum, and such a relaxed atmosphere that it makes it really easy to share and to meet new people.

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