More and more often, we hear that planning has become a minefield, or even a headache. We hear that developers and architects used to happily put in their own applications, but that this is no longer the case. 

And that’s exactly what we’re here for:- to help you navigate that minefield, or to be your planning-paracetamol and remove that headache. 

We can get involved right at the beginning of the development process, delivering site appraisals to advise on the likelihood of obtaining planning permission for a site, either for a specific development, or on various options and, if necessary, we can promote a site through the local planning process. 

While we’re a national consultancy, we have dedicated area teams including London and Surrey. This means that we know our patch really well but have also built relationships within certain councils.  A lot of us have even worked in local authority ourselves. To beat the system, you must know the system! 

It’s a great idea to get us involved early in the process, not only to set the most efficient planning strategy, but also to allow us to set a CIL strategy.  CIL can be extremely costly, but we know our way around the regulations and we’ve successfully implemented strategies that can avoid; reduce; or phase the costs.  However, CIL in particular is not something that can be easily dealt with retrospectively, so the earlier this is factored into the planning process, the better. 

Once we’ve appraised a site, we can move on to a pre-application or a planning application. This is where our area-based teams really shine as we can give you an honest opinion on whether a pre-application is worth the money.  Some councils will simply repeat their policy at you, which isn’t helpful.  We will have already gone beyond this in our own appraisal.  Sometimes, though, you do get a really good pre-application service.  We’ll never suggest a pre-application if we don’t see the merit in it.  The most cost-effective and time-effective solution for you is also the most cost and time effective for us. 

And now we’ve made it to the planning application!  What could go wrong!  

Well, if you don’t use a (good) planning consultant, many things.  First stop, validation.  Historically, a planning application was a few forms, some pretty drawings and maybe a cover letter if you were feeling fancy.  This is no longer the case.  The list of requirements to be submitted with an application is ever increasing.  A planning statement is nearly always required – and certainly recommended – now, as planning arguments and balances become more and more nuanced.  There are national requirements and local requirements, but not all requirements are relevant to all sites.  We spend some of our time back and forth with validation officers, explaining to them why certain documents aren’t required (we actually once got a local authority to amend their local list on the back of one of these discussions).  Sometimes a valid application can seem as satisfying as a planning permission! Ok not quite, but validation can be a convoluted and frustrating process.  We’re quite often brought on by architects at the beginning of the application process to work together to ensure all reports are present and correct for validation, as well as those all-important CIL forms. 

We also have an in-house economics team, who can advise on viability as well as completed viability appraisals and assessments to address, for example, affordable housing.  Both the planning and economics teams will work individually on your project as required, however the benefit of using both in-house teams is that it saves on time and back and forth.  Again, what is most cost and time effective for our clients is also best for us. 

We stay involved in the application process to liaise with the local authority and, if necessary, speak at planning committee.  Planning is emotive and therefore political by nature and our previous experience in local authority planning ensures that we understand this and can help steer the application through committee.  Following an approval, we can help with discharging conditions to ensure that a consent is implemented lawfully.  And, at risk of sounding like a broken record, we can make sure those CIL forms are submitted on time. 

With the best will – and planning argument – in the world, applications get refused.  We can then guide you through the planning appeal process, whether this is through a written representations; hearing; or Inquiry process.  We’re often brought into the planning process following a refusal, and can offer a decision review to give an honest view of the chance of success at Appeal.  

Sometimes, things go wrong.  Or go differently than intended.  We are experienced in dealing with enforcement cases and can advise you how best to deal with enforcement action, including appealing an enforcement notice. 

The above snapshot of planning and its various elements hopefully demonstrates why it’s important to involve a planning consultant in your development project, whether it be householder, new dwellings, commercial, or major schemes. 

Check out our website at or call us on 01344 508048 for further details and examples. 

ET Planning – We’re on your side


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